Unfortunately, those confident days are rare for some. Why? Because of the story you are telling yourself: “I am not good enough.” It’s a terrible story that limits your confidence and keeps you anchored to living an unremarkably average life. You know the life I am talking about:
You never stand out or draw attention to yourself. You stopped learning anything new after college. You would never question your boss’ boss in a meeting. You would not suggest an idea that would be contrary to best practice.
Does that sound eerily familiar? Even embarrassingly uncomfortable? I believed the story that, “I am not good enough,” for the better part of my life. I knew there was more to my life, but I was enslaved by the disempowering stories. Human beings are storytellers. It’s the vehicle we use to engage with the world around us. And, if you tell a lie for long enough, it becomes your truth. The only way to break the bonds of living a lie is to divorce the limiting beliefs — that is exactly what I did. How? I focused on creating affirmations. These were not your average proclamations, like: “I have been given endless talents that I begin to utilize today.” These affirmations are specific, actionable, time-bound and gift-wrapped in your why. These types of affirmations, when repeated regularly, will reprogram your disempowering story into an empowering one. Here is an example: “I am committed to losing 30 pounds and weighing 167 pounds by March 3, 2016, so that I can set an example of health, fitness, and goal achievement to my family.” The Habit or Action: “To ensure that I lose 30 pounds, I am committed to running the NYC Marathon in 2016 and drinking 96 ounces of water every day.” A good strategy is to set your alarm on your smartphone to chime every 60 minutes. Once the alarm goes off, recite your affirmation until it becomes a habit. The process of reprogramming your stories is not easy, but with repetition your limiting beliefs will be replaced by empowering beliefs. As your confidence increases, you will purposely begin to step outside of your comfort zone. Before too long, you will be approaching life situations courageously and in a state of absolute certainty. If you need a push in the right direction, here is a list of 10 confidence-boosting activities to try.
Featured photo credit: 10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person (Infographic)/Entrepreneur Magazine via entrepreneur.com