The images and stories our subconsciouses create can show us many secrets we may be unaware of in our waking lives. It is very likely that you will forget 90% of your dream after waking, however if you can remember your dreams here are the interpretations of a dozen common dream themes:
- Death: A big change is coming, either for you or someone close to you.
- Falling: Falling can imply you feel a lack of control or have insecurities in your life.
- Friends: Friends could signify your own personality traits that you’re unaware of, and/or that need exploring.
- Sex: Often our subconscious sex partners may actually represent qualities we want to create or unlock within ourselves.
- Flying: Flying represents a feeling of freedom and/or inspiration.
- Paralysis: You may be feeling helpless in your daily life.
- Running: You mat be yearning to escape a situation or someone in your waking life. Or you may be aiming to achieve an important goal.
- Teeth: Teeth represent confidence and strength. If your teeth are falling out, it may represent a fear of embarrassment or low self-confidence.
- A Test/ Exam: Anxiety or a sense of failure may be present in your life.
- Water: Water represents your emotional side, and the state of the water in your mind will reveal the kind of emotions you need to confront.
- Nakedness: A situation or relationship may be creating a sense of vulnerability and exposure.
- Pregnancy: Growth or something new – perhaps goals, a project or circumstances – are present in your life. Twelve Common Dream Themes | World Lifestyle